O "Projeto RÁDIONÔMADA" consiste em uma caminhada e na criação de uma estação de rádio digital sobre a interface gráfica de um mapa, com rastro com base na plataforma Googlemaps.
É um projeto artístico de mapeamento sonoro, tomando a caminhada como um processo cartográfico e o rádio como um instrumento coletivo de desenho de mapas.
English Version "Projeto RÁDIONÔMADA" (or Nomadic Radio) consists of a walk and the creation of a digital radio station over the graphical interface of a map, with the trace based on the plataforma Google maps.
It is an Art Project of sound mapping, having the walk as a cartographic process and the radio as a colective instrument for map drawing.
no one can cross the same river twice, because when you come back the river will have passed and you will no longer be the same,
everything flows like a river, everything is flowing like waves, radio, road of eternal return, round, ouroboros
no one can cross the same river twice, because when you come back the river will have passed and you will no longer be the same,
everything flows like a river, everything is flowing like waves, radio, road of eternal return, round, ouroboros